Who we are

Community strong

The Roussillon Community Development Corporation (CDC) is a multisectoral group of community organizations from the Montreal South Shore.

It operates in different fields on a specific territory, and its mission is to ensure the active participation of grassroots and community movements in the socioeconomic development of its collectivity.

Job opportunities

Looking for employment?


L'Avant-garde en santé mentale
La Prairie

Estival (8 juil. - 30 août) / Temp plein

Intervenant·e de nuit – volet hébergement

L'Avant-garde en santé mentale
La Prairie

Temporaire / Temps plein

Chargé·es de projets – développement

Groupe de ressources techniques de la Rive-Sud - GRTRS
Longueuil / mode hybride

Permanent /Temps plein

Direction générale

CDC Roussillon

Permanent / Temps plein

Thanks to our partners